Sibling of children currently studying in Nanyang Kindergarten
Sibling of Nanyang Kindergarten graduate
Parent who is a Nanyang Kindergarten graduate
Parent who is a member of the Nanyang Schools Alumni Association
Members of the public* first come first served basis
*Registration under Phase 5 is given to the applicants on a first come, first-served basis.
To ensure that application is successful, please submit or bring along the following documents during registration:
1. Your child’s Birth Certificate - original 2. Both parents' IC - original 3. Two passport-sized photographs of the child 4. Child's latest immunization record
For registration under Phase 2, 3 and 4, in addition to the above documents, please submit the original and photocopies of supporting documents for verification such as Nanyang Kindergarten graduation certificate or proof of Alumni membership.
Nanyang Kindergarten reserves the right to reject any applicant based on insufficient documentation proof or information.
If you wish to withdraw your child from Nanyang Kindergarten, please inform the school’s administration and submit the completed withdrawal form (available at the General Office). Please give notice of at least one full academic term (10 weeks). The withdrawal form must be signed by the child’s parent or guardian. If such notice is not given, a full term’s fee will be payable in lieu of notice.
Please note that should you intend to re-register your child after withdrawal, your child will be placed on the waiting list. The registration and material fees will be charged for a second time.