Our core curriculum includes academic and integrated hands-on and play activities, both of which help to maximize the children’s learning and to lay a strong foundation in preparing them for formal education in primary school.
(A) Regular Hours Programme
Pre-Nursery and Nursery (Purely in Mandarin)
- Language Arts
- Mathematics
- Science Discovery
- Art and Craft
- Music and Movement
- Moral Education
- Cookery
- Indoor/Outdoor Play
- Gymnastics
- Mandarin Speech & Drama
- 弟子规 (Di Zi Gui)
- Outdoor Physical Activity
- Learning Centres
Kindergarten One and Two (English and Mandarin)
- Language Arts
- Mathematics
- Science Discovery
- Art and Craft
- Music and Movement
- Reading Programme – STELLAR Preparatory Programme
- Creative Writing
- Moral Education
- Indoor/Outdoor Play
- Computer-aided Education
- Mandarin Speech & Drama
- Chinese Arts
- 弟子规 (Di Zi Gui)
- Outdoor Physical Activity
- Learning Centres
(B) Extended Hours Programme:
Pre-Nursery and Nursery (Purely in Mandarin)
- Language Arts
- Mathematics
- Science Discovery
- Art and Craft
- Music and Movement
- Moral Education
- 弟子规 (Di Zi Gui)
- Cookery
- Indoor/Outdoor Play
- Mandarin Speech & Drama
- Sensory Activity
- Rapid Word Recognition
- Learning Centres
- Gymnastics
- Outdoor Physical Activity
Kindergarten One and Two (English and Mandarin)
- Language Arts
- Mathematics
- Science Discovery
- Art and Craft
- Music and Movement
- Moral Education
- Indoor/Outdoor Play
- 弟子规< span> (Di Zi Gui)</ span>
- Mandarin Speech & Drama
- Reading Programme – STELLAR Preparatory Programme
- Creative Writing
- Computer-aided Education
- Robotic
- Chinese Arts
- Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics (STEAM)
- Learning Centres
- Outdoor Physical Activity